Online Yoga Class

Warm up exercises, Asan, breathing exercise (Pranayam), relaxation, meditation, Mudra, bandh, contemplation, Chakra Dhyan.

Individual Classes

Warm up exercises, assan (according your body, flexibility and capacity) breathing (many types of breathing techniques like anulom-vilom, bhastrika, kapalbhati, sheetli, bhramari,) relaxation, meditation, jalneti (if you want to learn) kunjal bandh, Mudra, diet and lifestyle

Group Yoga Classes

Warm up exercises, assan (according your body, flexibility and capacity) breathing (many types of breathing techniques like anulom-vilom, bhastrika, kapalbhati, sheetli, bhramari,) relaxation, meditation, jalneti (if you want to learn) kunjal bandh, Mudra, diet and lifestyle

Therapy Yoga Classes

If you have any problems like neck pain, back pain, weight loss inch loss and any other problems. my teacher will teach you according your problems.

Counselling Classes

You are suffering from any emotional disease, depression, fear, anxiety, inferiority, hesitation and any other personal problems.

Diet Classes

What do you eat?
When do you eat?
Why do you eat?
What type of food to eat which season?

Improve Your Lifestyle

Benefit of sound sleep.
How to get deep sound sleep?
What to do after breakfast lunch and dinner?
What time should you take water?
Benefit of hot and cold water ?

ANUVRAT YOG - Yoga Classes in Gurgaon

Contact Us


Anuvrat Yog Sadhna Kendra
Damdama Lake Road, Kherla gaon, Gurgaon Haryana 122102

Mobile Number